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Ben Fox's avatar

Coach Leighroy has been amazing for me. He has provided guidance in setting a clear path for our company's early stage and has advised me throughout the product development phase.

- Ben Fox • Founder, Easy Match
Tessa Thomas's avatar

I know that every time we work with Coach Leighroy we're going to walk away with clarity on what we need to focus on next. As a founder, it's so easy to get overwhelmed, Coach Leighroy has a knack for cutting through the noise to get to the root of what drives growth.

- Tessa Thomas • Co-Founder, Pipeline Solutions
Henry Talbot's avatar

It's been great working with Coach Leighroy as he brings a fresh perspective to thinking and planning our way forward. His approach is helping us focus on what is important and to put in place frameworks that are the foundation for focus and momentum as we continue to grow.

- Henry Talbot • Co-founder, Capra
Ships Lim's avatar

Partners like Coach Leighroy are extremely hard to come by. In the world of software as a service and startups, there is often a broken bridge between product end-users, technology people, and founders. Coach Leighroy is that bridge that connects all parties bringing clarity, business viability, and foresight to founders.

- Ships Lim • CEO at Otterdev
Matty Abel's avatar

Coach Leighroy is revolutionising the startup landscape to maximise founders' chances of success. In addition to Coach's extensive knowledge, what I find particularly valuable is his ability to help you stay focused on today's priorities. With Coach Leighroy in your corner, you have invaluable support, especially when navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

- Matty Abel • Co-Founder, Capra
Emery Wager's avatar

I have been working with Coach Leighroy during a critical moment in our company’s journey. He and the Hillspeed framework helped me focus on the critical stuff that mattered and offload what didn’t. In the few months we worked together, we grew our company by more than 30%, closed a major funding round, and most importantly set ourselves up for the next chapter of growth.

- Emery Wager • Cofounder
Ben 's avatar

I'm in a situation where we're just one week away from having a feature that will be our "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP). I recently met with Leighroy, and he helped me see things differently and turned the situation into something positive. Now, I'm creating a "waitlist" to make prospective customers want what they can't have yet. Will carry this lesson with me for the rest of my journey.

- Ben • Founder
Shourov Bhattacharya's avatar

Hillspeed is such an unfair advantage for a founder. Here's why: Coach Leighroy has walked the founder path, through the light and the dark. He's a coach who's spent time on the field and come out with a gift: A model for how to win. Coaching with Hillspeed makes winning seem inevitable. Not aspirational, not likely. Inevitable. Totally unfair. Go with Hillspeed. 👍🏾

- Shourov Bhattacharya • Co-founder, polynize.io
Martin Calllan's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has been a game-changer. He's helped me identify how to leverage my industry experience into our go-to-market strategy and set the foundations for growth for freshOps. I'm really excited to see where I can take the business this year with what I'm learning by working with Leighroy. I definitely would never have worked this out on my own, that's for sure.

- Martin Calllan • Founder and CEO
Gabriel Ezra's avatar

Coach Leighroy brings a totally unique offering to any new founder. After going in circles for many months within the start up ecosystem, I was introduced to a better way - Coach Leighroy. Through his own lived experience, he has brought me the support and perspective which no one had before. His approach cuts through the noise faced by new founders and streamlines the journey to success.

- Gabriel Ezra
Bonnie Faucett's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has changed the trajectory of my SAAS business. I now have more clarity and more revenue in only a month. I know without Coach's help I’d still be floundering near the same MRR without much growth or solid direction. Excited for what else is to come as we continue the coaching relationship. Thank you Coach for your invaluable guidance and care for my business and my customers!

- Bonnie Faucett • CEO, Legacy System
Junie Baptiste Poitevien's avatar

Honestly, I love the way Coach Leighroy has challenged me to reign in, have tunnel vision focus and has given me some super focused strategies to execute quickly! It’s a no BS approach, which is refreshing in the business world! I went from being lost to totally killing it. Thanks Coach for always straightening me up when I fall back into bad habits. I’ve learned tons I wish I knew from the beginning of starting my business! So worth the experience! I’d do it again and again!

- Junie Baptiste Poitevien • Founder & CEO
Phil Storey's avatar

Coach Leighroy has quickly helped me focus on exactly what I need to be doing as a Founder. No bullshit or other noise, just cutting straight to the heart of what I need to focus on to start getting real results. We've been working together for a couple of weeks and I appreciate the directness and honesty from Coach about where I'm at and what I need to do to move forward. If you're an early stage SaaS Founder like me, I encourage you to start a conversation with Coach Leighroy.

- Phil Storey • Founder, Glow
Yash Chavan's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy we experienced 2 x MRR growth in just the first month! The secret? We stopped focusing on $ and started focusing on our "Company Model". As founders, we often measure ourselves with revenue growth, but we need to worry about making our customers successful within our model. This is hard to do initially, but Coach's controlled environment helped me focus on the right needle movers (which led to the 2x growth). Since then, it has been a nice process of reaching milestones and controlling my game. If you want to accelerate years of wisdom acquisition - I highly recommend working with him!

- Yash Chavan • Founder, Saral
Bona Rai's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has been nothing short of transformational. With his help, I have been able to identify and understand my unique leadership superpowers with a new level of clarity and how I can wield them to drive tangible outcomes for our team and our business. Coach Leighroy's holistic approach for strategic, operational and emotional mastery has been a real asset for me as I grow into the leader I have always dreamt of becoming. My first words to my Co-Founders after my first 1:1 session with Coach Leighroy was "I have never felt so understood by a Coach, ever!" (and I have had a lot of coaching 😂) Thanks Coach!

- Bona Rai • COO, Capsho
Morgan Stone's avatar

Coach Leighroy has not only transformed my perspective, but has also sparked a significant shift in the energy of my team and community. Coach's unique ability to understand the complexities of my business enables him to provide insights and strategies that I hadn't considered before. The result? My attention, previously scattered in multiple directions, is now laser-focused where it matters most. The impact of Coach Leighroy's direction extends beyond just me. My community has observed and commented on the positive changes, further validating the efficacy of his approach. I wholeheartedly recommend Coach Leighroy to anyone seeking to refocus their attention and instigate impactful change in their business.

- Morgan Stone • Co-Founder & CEO, Seekr
Deirdre's avatar

Starting my SaaS journey, I had my share of challenges. What truly made a difference was partnering with Coach Leighroy. His guidance wasn’t just advice; it was a challenging and transformative experience. He became the sounding board, the guide, and the essential team member we never realized we needed. With Coach Leighroy, we weren't just navigating the SaaS world; we were reshaping our perspectives, thinking differently, and scaling in ways we hadn't envisioned. To all the new founders out there: It's not just about the product or service you're creating; it's about the people and mentors you align yourself with. With the right guidance, even the most ambitious goals are achievable. Coach Leighroy will provide that right guidance.

- Deirdre • Co-founder & CEO, Capsho
Julian Stafford's avatar

I have the privilege of working with Coach Leighroy, and I'm incredibly grateful for the profound impact he had on my business. His guidance and coaching were exceptional, leading to remarkable growth. Coach Leighroy's coaching style is remarkable. He asks insightful questions that bring clarity and uncover hidden opportunities. His strategic planning expertise helped me create a clear roadmap aligned with my vision. Beyond his expertise, Coach Leighroy's genuine care and unwavering support were invaluable. He pushed me to overcome challenges and believed in my potential. Coach Leighroy is more than a coach; he's a mentor and trusted advisor. If you want a coach who genuinely cares about your success, I highly recommend Coach Leighroy. Working with him has been transformative, and I'm forever grateful for his positive impact on my journey.

- Julian Stafford • CEO, Surgence Labs
Marrs Coiro's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy is really like working with a world class Olympic level performance coach. I feel like an athlete that’s being trained for elite level sport and that sport is crushing it at business. He has drilled in and laid out all the key metrics we need to hit in order to be a world class company and it’s undeniable the effect it has had on us as a team even in the short time we’ve been working together. Can’t imagine where we’ll be in a year's time with his guidance. The process is challenging but super enjoyable, the tech works great, is easy to follow and makes the entire experience seamless. Coach Leighroy has an extraordinary way of explaining and teaching that keeps me engaged and focused on what’s important. He is keeping us accountable to the metrics that matter for our startup and is giving us the support we need to succeed. Essential for any entrepreneur or startup team. We should have done this a year ago, but here we are now and loving it.! Thanks Coach.! ⛹️‍♂️

- Marrs Coiro • Co-Founder
Helen Kramer's avatar

My journey as a founder has been challenging. Initially, it was exciting, but midway through the third year, it became a struggle just to keep the lights on. Looking back, the answers were always there, but the extreme chaos and pressure made it hard to see clearly—almost as if a heavy fog set in. Working with Coach Leigh changed everything rapidly. Imagine being caught in a horrendous storm—fire jumping from hill to hill, the heat unbearable. Then hurricanes come with large waves rocking the shores, torrential rain, flooding, and tornadoes. All this time you are running into the storm, and unable to stop. Then, you receive a weather alert and know take shelter, and now you are safe. This is just one example of how Coach Leigh guides you. During these "shelter" moments, you can think clearly because he asks the right questions to surface what you need to do next. He doesn’t give answers but forces a mindset shift, preparing you for future challenges. You can now see the forecast clearly, as if you have been training your entire life to weather the next storm. With this preparation and guidance, you slowly start to coach yourself. Now you know your next move, so you are not caught off guard or overwhelmed by the next big wave. In the last six months, I've accomplished more and achieved more milestones than I have in the past five years. I am having fun again, the fog had lifted and all I see are blue skies on the horizon. #Sunshine #Hillspeed #ThanksCoachLeigh #Grateful

- Helen Kramer • Founder
Ben Fox's avatar

Coach Leighroy has been amazing for me. He has provided guidance in setting a clear path for our company's early stage and has advised me throughout the product development phase.

- Ben Fox • Founder, Easy Match
Tessa Thomas's avatar

I know that every time we work with Coach Leighroy we're going to walk away with clarity on what we need to focus on next. As a founder, it's so easy to get overwhelmed, Coach Leighroy has a knack for cutting through the noise to get to the root of what drives growth.

- Tessa Thomas • Co-Founder, Pipeline Solutions
Henry Talbot's avatar

It's been great working with Coach Leighroy as he brings a fresh perspective to thinking and planning our way forward. His approach is helping us focus on what is important and to put in place frameworks that are the foundation for focus and momentum as we continue to grow.

- Henry Talbot • Co-founder, Capra
Ships Lim's avatar

Partners like Coach Leighroy are extremely hard to come by. In the world of software as a service and startups, there is often a broken bridge between product end-users, technology people, and founders. Coach Leighroy is that bridge that connects all parties bringing clarity, business viability, and foresight to founders.

- Ships Lim • CEO at Otterdev
Matty Abel's avatar

Coach Leighroy is revolutionising the startup landscape to maximise founders' chances of success. In addition to Coach's extensive knowledge, what I find particularly valuable is his ability to help you stay focused on today's priorities. With Coach Leighroy in your corner, you have invaluable support, especially when navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

- Matty Abel • Co-Founder, Capra
Emery Wager's avatar

I have been working with Coach Leighroy during a critical moment in our company’s journey. He and the Hillspeed framework helped me focus on the critical stuff that mattered and offload what didn’t. In the few months we worked together, we grew our company by more than 30%, closed a major funding round, and most importantly set ourselves up for the next chapter of growth.

- Emery Wager • Cofounder
Ben 's avatar

I'm in a situation where we're just one week away from having a feature that will be our "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP). I recently met with Leighroy, and he helped me see things differently and turned the situation into something positive. Now, I'm creating a "waitlist" to make prospective customers want what they can't have yet. Will carry this lesson with me for the rest of my journey.

- Ben • Founder
Shourov Bhattacharya's avatar

Hillspeed is such an unfair advantage for a founder. Here's why: Coach Leighroy has walked the founder path, through the light and the dark. He's a coach who's spent time on the field and come out with a gift: A model for how to win. Coaching with Hillspeed makes winning seem inevitable. Not aspirational, not likely. Inevitable. Totally unfair. Go with Hillspeed. 👍🏾

- Shourov Bhattacharya • Co-founder, polynize.io
Martin Calllan's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has been a game-changer. He's helped me identify how to leverage my industry experience into our go-to-market strategy and set the foundations for growth for freshOps. I'm really excited to see where I can take the business this year with what I'm learning by working with Leighroy. I definitely would never have worked this out on my own, that's for sure.

- Martin Calllan • Founder and CEO
Gabriel Ezra's avatar

Coach Leighroy brings a totally unique offering to any new founder. After going in circles for many months within the start up ecosystem, I was introduced to a better way - Coach Leighroy. Through his own lived experience, he has brought me the support and perspective which no one had before. His approach cuts through the noise faced by new founders and streamlines the journey to success.

- Gabriel Ezra
Bonnie Faucett's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has changed the trajectory of my SAAS business. I now have more clarity and more revenue in only a month. I know without Coach's help I’d still be floundering near the same MRR without much growth or solid direction. Excited for what else is to come as we continue the coaching relationship. Thank you Coach for your invaluable guidance and care for my business and my customers!

- Bonnie Faucett • CEO, Legacy System
Junie Baptiste Poitevien's avatar

Honestly, I love the way Coach Leighroy has challenged me to reign in, have tunnel vision focus and has given me some super focused strategies to execute quickly! It’s a no BS approach, which is refreshing in the business world! I went from being lost to totally killing it. Thanks Coach for always straightening me up when I fall back into bad habits. I’ve learned tons I wish I knew from the beginning of starting my business! So worth the experience! I’d do it again and again!

- Junie Baptiste Poitevien • Founder & CEO
Phil Storey's avatar

Coach Leighroy has quickly helped me focus on exactly what I need to be doing as a Founder. No bullshit or other noise, just cutting straight to the heart of what I need to focus on to start getting real results. We've been working together for a couple of weeks and I appreciate the directness and honesty from Coach about where I'm at and what I need to do to move forward. If you're an early stage SaaS Founder like me, I encourage you to start a conversation with Coach Leighroy.

- Phil Storey • Founder, Glow
Yash Chavan's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy we experienced 2 x MRR growth in just the first month! The secret? We stopped focusing on $ and started focusing on our "Company Model". As founders, we often measure ourselves with revenue growth, but we need to worry about making our customers successful within our model. This is hard to do initially, but Coach's controlled environment helped me focus on the right needle movers (which led to the 2x growth). Since then, it has been a nice process of reaching milestones and controlling my game. If you want to accelerate years of wisdom acquisition - I highly recommend working with him!

- Yash Chavan • Founder, Saral
Bona Rai's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy has been nothing short of transformational. With his help, I have been able to identify and understand my unique leadership superpowers with a new level of clarity and how I can wield them to drive tangible outcomes for our team and our business. Coach Leighroy's holistic approach for strategic, operational and emotional mastery has been a real asset for me as I grow into the leader I have always dreamt of becoming. My first words to my Co-Founders after my first 1:1 session with Coach Leighroy was "I have never felt so understood by a Coach, ever!" (and I have had a lot of coaching 😂) Thanks Coach!

- Bona Rai • COO, Capsho
Morgan Stone's avatar

Coach Leighroy has not only transformed my perspective, but has also sparked a significant shift in the energy of my team and community. Coach's unique ability to understand the complexities of my business enables him to provide insights and strategies that I hadn't considered before. The result? My attention, previously scattered in multiple directions, is now laser-focused where it matters most. The impact of Coach Leighroy's direction extends beyond just me. My community has observed and commented on the positive changes, further validating the efficacy of his approach. I wholeheartedly recommend Coach Leighroy to anyone seeking to refocus their attention and instigate impactful change in their business.

- Morgan Stone • Co-Founder & CEO, Seekr
Deirdre's avatar

Starting my SaaS journey, I had my share of challenges. What truly made a difference was partnering with Coach Leighroy. His guidance wasn’t just advice; it was a challenging and transformative experience. He became the sounding board, the guide, and the essential team member we never realized we needed. With Coach Leighroy, we weren't just navigating the SaaS world; we were reshaping our perspectives, thinking differently, and scaling in ways we hadn't envisioned. To all the new founders out there: It's not just about the product or service you're creating; it's about the people and mentors you align yourself with. With the right guidance, even the most ambitious goals are achievable. Coach Leighroy will provide that right guidance.

- Deirdre • Co-founder & CEO, Capsho
Julian Stafford's avatar

I have the privilege of working with Coach Leighroy, and I'm incredibly grateful for the profound impact he had on my business. His guidance and coaching were exceptional, leading to remarkable growth. Coach Leighroy's coaching style is remarkable. He asks insightful questions that bring clarity and uncover hidden opportunities. His strategic planning expertise helped me create a clear roadmap aligned with my vision. Beyond his expertise, Coach Leighroy's genuine care and unwavering support were invaluable. He pushed me to overcome challenges and believed in my potential. Coach Leighroy is more than a coach; he's a mentor and trusted advisor. If you want a coach who genuinely cares about your success, I highly recommend Coach Leighroy. Working with him has been transformative, and I'm forever grateful for his positive impact on my journey.

- Julian Stafford • CEO, Surgence Labs
Marrs Coiro's avatar

Working with Coach Leighroy is really like working with a world class Olympic level performance coach. I feel like an athlete that’s being trained for elite level sport and that sport is crushing it at business. He has drilled in and laid out all the key metrics we need to hit in order to be a world class company and it’s undeniable the effect it has had on us as a team even in the short time we’ve been working together. Can’t imagine where we’ll be in a year's time with his guidance. The process is challenging but super enjoyable, the tech works great, is easy to follow and makes the entire experience seamless. Coach Leighroy has an extraordinary way of explaining and teaching that keeps me engaged and focused on what’s important. He is keeping us accountable to the metrics that matter for our startup and is giving us the support we need to succeed. Essential for any entrepreneur or startup team. We should have done this a year ago, but here we are now and loving it.! Thanks Coach.! ⛹️‍♂️

- Marrs Coiro • Co-Founder
Helen Kramer's avatar

My journey as a founder has been challenging. Initially, it was exciting, but midway through the third year, it became a struggle just to keep the lights on. Looking back, the answers were always there, but the extreme chaos and pressure made it hard to see clearly—almost as if a heavy fog set in. Working with Coach Leigh changed everything rapidly. Imagine being caught in a horrendous storm—fire jumping from hill to hill, the heat unbearable. Then hurricanes come with large waves rocking the shores, torrential rain, flooding, and tornadoes. All this time you are running into the storm, and unable to stop. Then, you receive a weather alert and know take shelter, and now you are safe. This is just one example of how Coach Leigh guides you. During these "shelter" moments, you can think clearly because he asks the right questions to surface what you need to do next. He doesn’t give answers but forces a mindset shift, preparing you for future challenges. You can now see the forecast clearly, as if you have been training your entire life to weather the next storm. With this preparation and guidance, you slowly start to coach yourself. Now you know your next move, so you are not caught off guard or overwhelmed by the next big wave. In the last six months, I've accomplished more and achieved more milestones than I have in the past five years. I am having fun again, the fog had lifted and all I see are blue skies on the horizon. #Sunshine #Hillspeed #ThanksCoachLeigh #Grateful

- Helen Kramer • Founder